This is my 2nd Toyota Landcruiser (2000). Bought this one in 2004 with 37000 miles on it for $29,000 Tried to find an newer model under 60k miles for a price I could justify. That does not exist anymore. Even my first 1990 has gone up considerably in the past 8-10 years. We have decided to keep our time eternal 250,000 mile old Cruiser till the engine stops. Even if and whenthat happens, we will probably just rebuild it. Not including brakes and oil changes, basic fluid changes, and tires we have spent $10,000 in" hard repairs" in 16 years. ($3500 of that was an anti lock alarm system screaming at us that was buried in the dash. That had to be unusual. Work was done elsewhere too, before I met Gary's Greenwood). We are often approached by strangers to buy it! It does not look anywhere near 20 years old. Its a ball being first down a 20 ish inch snow bound road.