2024 Toyota Corolla Cross

Calificación promedio

Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5
(1 Revisiones)
Resumen de categoría
(Prom. de 10)
  • Poor
  • Características
  • Poor
  • Calidad de Construcción
  • Poor
  • Diversión
  • Poor
  • Fiabilidad
  • Poor
  • Rendimiento
  • Poor
  • Exterior
  • Poor
  • Comodidad
  • Poor
  • Interior
  • Poor
  • Estilo
  • Poor


Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5
(1 Revisiones)

2024 Toyota Corolla Cross
cliente verificadoPropietario Verificado
Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5
Revisión verificada

Would I Buy It Again - Heck Yeah!

My review after 10 months: My wife and I bought a '24 CCH SE on 2/5/2024. We paid a bit under sticker (yeah, I was surprised too!). Other than an '18 CR-V EX, this is the newest car we own. I've been interested in the CC since the non-hybrid appeared in '22, but wasn't sold on it 'til the hybrid version arrived - both for its added performance and MPG. Honestly, we didn't test drive or shop around. I decided to go w/the CCH based on reviews and the Toyota nameplate. Of the direct competitors, the only one I wish I would have given a closer look to is the Subaru Crosstrek 'Sport' - with the 2.5 engine. Initial impressions were OK. It's my wife's car, who doesn't drive much. I drive it about once a week to keep its fluids flowing. It now has about 4800 miles. We did our 1st road trip recently. It was ~450 miles each way. Overall, I'm liking the CCH, as I'm a big fan of the 'Dynamic radar cruise control'/ACC. It drives easily, tracks straight, ride is not a Lexus of course, but is comfortable. I did add a small pillow for my lumbar on the return trip (only the top-levels XSE has lumbar support via the power seats). The trip was a good test of the MPG and power of this hybrid powertrain. The first 200+ miles were mostly flat cruising at 75MPH and we got 38MPG. The 2nd 200 was 75-80MPH, but included ups and downs from 400 to 4000 feet of elevation (Pendleton, OR to Boise, ID on I-84), and got 34MPG. The return trip saw the same numbers. So, MPG is in the ballpark, as the Est. MPG is 45 city/38 highway. Performance was adequate (I had a V6 RAV4 prior to this), and didn't find it lacking for climbing the passes or passing on hills (there are a LOT of trucks on I-84!). There is a bit of vibration and added engine noise around 2500-3000 RPM, but it's not intrusive just noticeable. Tire noise is more about the road surface than the CCH's noise levels. I upgraded to some Nokian WR G4 'All Weather' tires for better snow traction, which should get tested any day now. Last tidbits: The CCH is lacking internal storage compared to the CR-V and other cars we've had, the sound quality of the base stereo is still decent for us non-aficionados, and the InfoTec/ICE is manageable even for most Luddites (like me), after some familiarization. Notable are the lack of a spare tire, jack, lug wrench and front or rear tow points and tow hook (eyelet). I had a jack and lug wrench in my collection of parts that fit in the back of the CCH (in the existing plastic pieces under the rear floor cover), and bought a suitable used temporary spare tire for road trips (until Toyota offers a spare tire kit like with the Prius). TL;dr>>>I'd buy it again. :)
  • 8
  • Calidad de Construcción
  • 9
  • Fiabilidad
  • 9
  • Exterior
  • 8
  • Interior
  • 7
  • Características
  • 7
  • Diversión
  • 7
  • Rendimiento
  • 7
  • Comodidad
  • 8
  • Estilo
  • 9

2024 Toyota Corolla Cross
cliente verificadoPropietario Verificado
Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5
Revisión verificada

Would I Buy It Again - Heck Yeah!

My review after 4 months: My wife and I bought a '24 CCH SE on 2/5/2024. We paid a bit under sticker (yeah, I was surprised too!). Other than an '18 CR-V EX, this is the newest car we own. I've been interested in the CC since the non-hybrid appeared in '22, but wasn't sold on it 'til the hybrid version arrived - both for its added performance and MPG. Honestly, we didn't test drive or shop around. I decided to go w/the CCH based on reviews and the Toyota nameplate. Of the direct competitors, the only one I wish I would have given a closer look to is the Subaru Crosstrek 'Sport' - with the 2.5 engine. Initial impressions were OK. Notable are the lack of a spare tire, jack, lug wrench and front or rear tow points and tow hook (eyelet). I had a jack and lug wrench in my collection of parts that fit in the back of the CCH (in the existing plastic pieces under the rear floor cover), and will throw in an extra tire for road trips (until Toyota offers a spare tire kit like with the Prius). It's my wife's car, and I've only driven it a few times. It now has about 2500 miles. We did our 1st road trip recently. It was ~450 miles each way. Overall, I'm liking the CCH, as I'm a big fan of the 'Dynamic radar cruise control'/ACC. It drives easily, tracks straight, ride is not a Lexus of course, but is comfortable. I did add a small pillow for my lumbar on the return trip (only the top-levels XSE has lumbar support via the power seats). The trip was a good test of the MPG and power of this hybrid powertrain. The first 200+ miles were mostly flat cruising at 75MPH and we got 38MPG. The 2nd 200 was 75-80MPH, but included ups and downs from 400 to 4000 feet of elevation (Pendleton, OR to Boise, ID on I-84), and got 34MPG. The return trip saw the same numbers. So, MPG is in the ballpark, as the Est. MPG is 45 city/38 highway. Performance was adequate (I had V6 RAV4 prior to this), and didn't find it lacking for climbing the passes or passing on hills (there are a LOT of trucks on I-84!). There is a bit of vibration and added engine noise around 2500-3000 RPM, but it's not intrusive just noticeable. Tire noise is more about the road surface than the CCH's noise levels. One thing we'll need to test next winter is how the AWD system works when the road is icy and snow-covered, as the rear wheels will engage when extra power is needed, via the electric motor. I have to believe Toyota's Enhanced VSC will manage it as needed. Last tidbits: The CCH is lacking internal storage compared to the (admittedly larger) CR-V and other cars we've had, the sound quality of the base stereo is still decent for us non-aficionados, and the InfoTec/ICE is manageable even for most Luddites (like me), after some familiarization. TL;dr>>>I'd buy it again. :)
  • 9
  • Calidad de Construcción
  • 10
  • Fiabilidad
  • 10
  • Exterior
  • 9
  • Interior
  • 8
  • Características
  • 8
  • Diversión
  • 7
  • Rendimiento
  • 9
  • Comodidad
  • 9
  • Estilo
  • 10

Mostrando 2 revisiones

Negocios cerca de ti

  • Reparación de automóviles
  • Reparación de automóviles de importación
  • Concesionario Toyota
Automotive Instincts
Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5
(1579 Revisiones)
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
(1 ReCalificaciones)

  • Concesionario Toyota
  • Concesionario de coches usados
  • Reparación de automóviles
Don Wood Toyota
Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5
(2743 Revisiones)
Calificación general 4.8/5Calificación general 4.8/5Calificación general 4.8/5Calificación general 4.8/5Calificación general 4.8/5
(15 ReCalificaciones)

  • Concesionario de coches nuevos
  • Concesionario Toyota
Parker Toyota
Calificación general 4.8/5Calificación general 4.8/5Calificación general 4.8/5Calificación general 4.8/5Calificación general 4.8/5
(29568 Revisiones)
Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5
(31 ReCalificaciones)