Overall performance
My car is a 2012 HYBRID. I was disappointed with the Highway gas performance which was rated at 40 miles, the most I got was 36. I had problems receiving mileage checks due to the mileage claim. I only received 2 to my knowledge. It was a tug war between the company and the dealership. When I applied for the gas compensation check, company said the dealership had to verified the mileage. It went back and forth and I just gave. The 2 year mark I had to replace the Hybrid battery. The front passenger seat should have been "motorized" like the driver's seat.
Other than the above, I like the appearance of the car. It has been reliable on trips to Myrtle Beach South Carolina, Destin Florida, Biloxi .Mississippi and Long Beach California. I have approximately 103,000 miles on it.