We are your number one auto repair shop in Louisa and surrounding areas since 1999!We are your number one auto repair shop in Louisa and surrounding areas since 1999!
If they are the #1 service place around I really hate to see the worst place because I really don't think they can get any worse then Dave's Auto He sold me a car the hole bottom of it is rusted out you can see the carpet hanging out all the wheelbearings are bad on it the muffler is falling off of it everything underneath of it lecks.. I took it back to him and he says there is nothing wrong with it. But the garage I took it to fault so sorry for me that they didn't charge me a dime after they got it up on the rack to fix the muffler and they couldn't fix it because it was so rusted out.. it won't even pass so I can get tags on it...but theres nothing wrong with fred flintstone car he said ?
Ronnie said that the repair was incorrect and he had to go back in twice. It was still messed up and he had to pay another $80 for someone else to fix it. He had a terrible time and will not recommend them.
Spoke with David's brother. He said he bought a vehicle and it broke down. Dave towed it, fixed it and he picked it up the next day. He is an outstanding guy.
Spoke with Sherry. She said her overall experience was great. They're honest. They could have given her son an alignment. The bearing was bad so they would not do it.
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