My 'o4 Ford Ranger
I like Fords. they are tough, no-nonsense transportation. A small truck makes it easy to take care of household chores, such as hauling recyclables, lawn and garden trimmings, and the occasional batch of materials for projects.
My 'o4 ranger is a little fancier than I wanted -- it has a lot of power stuff on it. My recent repair involved a fuel sensor. If your dash light keeps showing that your gas cap is off, even though you've put it on firmly and even replaced the cap, get it checked out. It might be the fuel sensor going bad.
I like the adjustable steering wheel. the jump seats are only good for hauling small people or kids -- but they are there. I do like the extend cab because it allows hauling groceries or other purchases inside the cab without crowding the driver and one passenger. I've discovered I don't like cruise control, and I find the anti-lock brakes to be a little funky.