Best Car Ever!
This is my third CTS...I bought the first one that came out. It handles great, it is so comfortable to drive, even on long trips. The best part is that I feel very safe. I had a horrible experience two summers ago when I lost control and went over the yellow line on a two lane highway and a van was approaching in that lane. I manaaged to slam on my brakes (I was doing 70 MPH)....get control back to get me into the correct lane and about 1/4 mile down the road I pulled up onto a person's lawn. It was so scary. When we took the car to the dealership because we heard a clicking sound...yes, it cost about 2,000 to repair the damage that I caused by putting the CTS under such stress....BUT we were safe and that is all that matters. The poor guy driving the van had pulled over on his side of the road and I am sure he was swearing like a trooper at me, and I felt horrible, but it was a clear sunny day, in the mid morning, and I was not drinking or texting or doing anything illegal...I don't know why I lost control but I thanked God all day for protecting all of us from a tragedy. The technician explained how lucky we were to be driving that particular car as it is tested under extreme circumstances such as I put it through. Thanks GM....thanks CTS next car will be CTS #4 for sure. I also like OnStar very much.