Big smiles from an 11 year old car!
I bought this convertible used. It was 11 years old when I got it in 2018, and it was a low mileage vehicle for its age, with less than 80,000 miles. It had all its maintenance records in Carfax, showing its service history. The prior owners (except the last person) had it serviced at the dealership, so I felt pretty good that I was not buying someone's problem.
I've had it three months, and spent about $3000 to fix a few things the person who owned in the prior 12 months had neglected, including tires and a pricey suspension repair, and a problem with the emissions system.. Now, it runs like a dream!
This car has scary amounts of power, and it is quiet, top up down. I have found myself cruising along at 95, and not realizing how fast I was going. It is as quiet as my Lexus, and that is totally unexpected in an 11 year old convertible.