Twin City Tire Eden Prairie is conveniently located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Our shop is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality repair and maintenance service. Call or email us to set up an appointment today. Twin City Tire Eden Prairie is conveniently located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Our shop is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality repair and maintenance service. Call or email us to set up an appointment today.
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Kelly thanks for calling me back.
I fixed your phone number in our system.
As we chatted on the phone your vehicle does take 5 qts and the memo line you pointed out to me has been repaired in our system. That was a big help, thanks.
Have a great day
Anna, I'm sorry about your wait. Our average oil change with rotation and 18 point inspection runs about one hour. We try to set appointments for waiting customers to be quick as safely possible. If you don't want or need the rotation or inspection we can have most vehicles done in twenty minutes to a half an hour.
I looked into your time issue and our schedule showed an appointment at 10AM and our credit card time billed out at 11:12AM. Could you maybe have been early for your appointment. We are sorry and thank you for your business. We have shared this issue with our team and will work to make our timing better. Hope you give another us chance to do better