Patterson Hyundai is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality Hyundai repair and maintenance. Patterson Hyundai is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality Hyundai repair and maintenance.
Good Morning
I called and left you a voicemail. I look forward to your return call so we can correct this situation.
Thank you for taking the time to inform us of your poor experience with our service department. Our service advisors should never question a customer if they believe we have a systemic issue with our appointment setting system. I apologize for the behavior you experienced and will be sure that the necessary remedial training will take place immediately.
David GrishamI apologize for for the experience you had at our dealership. Since your vehicle is back we can discuss the work you declined and I wil be glad to assist you on the pricing.
David GrishamI apologize for the poor communication on our part. We have been very busy and short handed so we are working to get caught up. Hopefully tomorrow March 1st we will have a response from Hyundai. The vehicle has been 24000 miles with only one oil change, we are working to get this covered by warranty.
David GrishamThanks for taking the time to respond back to us informing us of your recent visit. We work hard to ensure every customer receives just the same positive experience you experienced on your visit. Training and customer satisfaction are two of the areas we focus daily with our team. We hope to see again soon for your next maintenance service.
Thanks for taking the time to respond back to us informing us of your recent visit. We work hard to ensure every customer receives just the same positive experience you experienced on your visit. Training and customer satisfaction are two of the areas we focus daily with our team. We hope to see again soon for your next maintenance service.
Patterson Auto CenterI apologize, there is no excuse for what I happened during your recent service visit. Please accpet my apologizes. I will be in touch shortly to make sure we have corrected any issues that remain.
David GrishamIt’s always great to hear how well our staff is doing here at Patterson Hyundai. Thanks for taking the time to respond to the survey, and sharing your experience. Our entire staff works very hard to earn your trust with servicing your Hyundai, and we appreciate you as a loyal customer.
Patterson Auto CenterI apologize that we could not explain better, the work you where requesting to be done on 01/19/2022 had already been done on 01/05/2022 and the coupon you had was for vehicle detailing which you said you did not want done. I was trying to save you $129.95 for work you did not need or want.
David Grisham