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South Shore Hyundai

Puntuación Promedio
Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5
(3,451 Reseñas)
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Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5
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Calificación general 2.5/5Calificación general 2.5/5Calificación general 2.5/5Calificación general 2.5/5Calificación general 2.5/5
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Detalles del Negocio

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South Shore Hyundai is conveniently located in Valley Stream, NY. Our service center is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality Hyundai repair and maintenance. South Shore Hyundai’s factory certified technicians are trained to ensure your Hyundai runs well for the road ahead. Call or email us to set up an appointment today! South Shore Hyundai is conveniently located in Valley Stream, NY. Our service center is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality Hyundai repair and maintenance. South Shore Hyundai’s factory certified technicians are trained to ensure your Hyundai runs well for the road ahead. Call or email us to set up an appointment today!

Concesionario Hyundai, Reparación de automóviles, Mantenimiento de automóviles
(516) 561-5900

Horario del Negocio

7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
* Eastern Time (Us & Canada)
360 W. Sunrise Highway Valley Stream, NY 11581
Reseñas de Departamento de servicio's
Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5
(3,451 Reseñas)

Carol D.
Valley Stream, NY
Calificación general 2.0/5Calificación general 2.0/5Calificación general 2.0/5Calificación general 2.0/5Calificación general 2.0/5
Categoría: Service
Did not advise me the car had been in an accident until I was signing the contract
Bought my 2021 Hyundai here. Did not find out that the car had been involved in an accident until the time of closing. MY BAD for not asking upfront, but also did not get any kind of discount on the car under these circumstances. I had fallen in love with the car so I bought it anyway. My issue is that a reputable car dealership would have supplied that information UP FRONT.
Another issue - not specific to this particular dealership - was that I am now trying to get another insurance company for a lower my premium, only to find out that most insurance companies in NY WILL NOT insure a Hyundai or Kia (2011 through 2022) because they are very easy to steal - you can YouTube it.
DO YOU DUE DILIGENCE. DON'T RELY ON THIS OR ANY DEALERSHIP. I was very disappointed in South Shore Hyundai as they came recommended by my neighbor
Net Promoter® NPS®, NPS Prism®, y los emoticonos relacionados con NPS son marcas registradas de Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., y Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score™ y Net Promoter System™ son marcas de servicio de Bain & Company, Inc., y Fred Reichheld.