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South Shore Hyundai

Puntuación Promedio
Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5
(3,451 Reseñas)
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Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5Calificación general 4.7/5
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Calificación general 2.5/5Calificación general 2.5/5Calificación general 2.5/5Calificación general 2.5/5Calificación general 2.5/5
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Detalles del Negocio

Acerca de

South Shore Hyundai is conveniently located in Valley Stream, NY. Our service center is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality Hyundai repair and maintenance. South Shore Hyundai’s factory certified technicians are trained to ensure your Hyundai runs well for the road ahead. Call or email us to set up an appointment today! South Shore Hyundai is conveniently located in Valley Stream, NY. Our service center is staffed with expert technicians who provide quality Hyundai repair and maintenance. South Shore Hyundai’s factory certified technicians are trained to ensure your Hyundai runs well for the road ahead. Call or email us to set up an appointment today!

Concesionario Hyundai, Reparación de automóviles, Mantenimiento de automóviles
(516) 561-5900

Horario del Negocio

7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
* Eastern Time (Us & Canada)
360 W. Sunrise Highway Valley Stream, NY 11581
Reseñas de Departamento de servicio's
Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5Calificación general 4.5/5
(3,451 Reseñas)

Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Repair
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Negative Experience for an Oil Change!
Took my car to Hyundai for an oil change and to have the tire light checked. I was given incorrect information, quoted an exorbitant price. Chose to get a second opinion elsewhere. Glad I did! I saved over $500.00 by going to another dealer.
No Recomendado
Ed T., Service Manager de South Shore Hyundai respondió el 03/18/2014 05:24 AM

I'm sorry you feel you were given incorrect information. We spoke on the phone and you told me there was no other problem with your "Oil Change" service visit othere than the price you were given for repairs. You came in with a low tire pressure light after hitting a pothole.
Your left front tire had a large bubble in it and the rim was bent badly- worse on outer edge, the left rear rim was bent but not as badly.

We advised you that the badly bent rim and damaged tire should be replaced. The rim could break or a new tire could blow out more easily if impacted on the same spot. We are concerned for your safety and we would make the same recommendation to pne of our family members. You replaced the tire at an outside shop for the same price we gave you and they told you it is fine to continue driving on the damaged rim. We respect your decision and hope your safety will not be an issue as a result.  

Ed Thornton

Service Manager

Net Promoter® NPS®, NPS Prism®, y los emoticonos relacionados con NPS son marcas registradas de Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., y Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score™ y Net Promoter System™ son marcas de servicio de Bain & Company, Inc., y Fred Reichheld.