Race Automotive

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Últimas Reseñas
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Frank M. You LIE !
Frank M. you brought your own parts. We installed your parts. I did not buy the cheapest China spin off parts off of E-Bay. Your problem is self inflected....

Frank M.
Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5
I'm a mechanic of 40 years and race auto doesn't know what they are doing and do not stand behind their work, I would never go to them again they damaged the heart system in my truck and refuse to fix it!
Race auto oh has lied to me about what they broke in my heat system and came up with a crazy story as to how They would repair it at my total cost of their...