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Mike Morgan Hyundai

Puntuación Promedio
Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5
(1,318 Reseñas)
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Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5
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Calificación general 2.4/5Calificación general 2.4/5Calificación general 2.4/5Calificación general 2.4/5Calificación general 2.4/5
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Mike Morgan Hyundai is located in Shreveport, LA. Our website is a great place to order Hyundai parts, and make a service appointment online, or call us today with questions! Our service technicians are here to help with all our your vehicle maintenance needs. Mike Morgan Hyundai is located in Shreveport, LA. Our website is a great place to order Hyundai parts, and make a service appointment online, or call us today with questions! Our service technicians are here to help with all our your vehicle maintenance needs.

Concesionario Hyundai, Reparación de automóviles, Mantenimiento de automóviles
(318) 688-8733

Horario del Negocio

7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
* Central Time (Us & Canada)
8747 Business Park Drive Shreveport, LA 71105
Reseñas de Departamento de servicio's
Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5
(1,318 Reseñas)

Patti E.
Zwolle, LA
Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5
Categoría: Service
2024 Hyundai Santa Fe Transmission Issue
Had a wonderful experience with my purchase of my 2024 Hyundai SANTA FE Calligraphy on May 23, 2024, but on July 11, 2024 the transmission "blew" for a better word and left my family and me on 49 going to Lafayette with my 2 grandchildren in the car at Forest Hill. Called Mike Morgan First since I had just paid my first note. Spoke with my salesman who was very sorry and gave me the number for tow. They brought me to the nearest Hyundai which was in Alexandria, Giles Hyundai. It is still there and we are almost at 8 weeks. During this time I have spoke to my salesman Zack Fuller at Mike Morgan and he seemed very concerned and even called Giles to see what was the progress, but it ended there. The dealership never called and see how things were going, if I needed help with the recall of the Hyundai or even ensure I get a transmission. At this point I want a "buy back" of my Santa Fe. I don't trust this vehicle even with a new transmission and I am scared to death to get on the road by myself. I have had such horrible time with Hyundai USA trying to even talk to my case manager is a joke. If I can give anyone any advice don't buy from Mike Morgan. Once you drive are forgotten. You pay almost 50K for a car and mine is seating in a parking lot in Alexandria.....
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