Along with expertise another major advantage of working with us is the customer experience. Without wheels, you are stuck. Both our staff and mechanics realize this, so we provide quick considerate service with no BS. We really listen and most times we can take a break and at least look at your car immediately to give you an idea of the
Along with expertise another major advantage of working with us is the customer experience. Without wheels, you are stuck. Both our staff and mechanics realize this, so we provide quick considerate service with no BS. We really listen and most times we can take a break and at least look at your car immediately to give you an idea of the issue (and estimate). We can talk shop if you want and explain exactly what is happening or if you prefer just give a quick overview and then get to work.
For those who wait during the repair, we provide an area that is clean with reading material, a TV and a play area for children. If you need to pick up later we will stay in touch as your service progresses.