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Drellishak's Service

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Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
(301 Reseñas)
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The story begins with Frank Drellishak Sr. who was a mechanic for Shell in Elyria. Originally the family was from Independence, Ohio but moved all over Ohio during the War years. Due to an accident which resulted in the loss of two fingers on Frank’s right hand and another accident causing blindness on one eye, he decided to go into the The story begins with Frank Drellishak Sr. who was a mechanic for Shell in Elyria. Originally the family was from Independence, Ohio but moved all over Ohio during the War years. Due to an accident which resulted in the loss of two fingers on Frank’s right hand and another accident causing blindness on one eye, he decided to go into the service station business himself. Frank purchased the first shop next to the Rustic Restaurant on Center Ridge Road in 1945. The service station not only serviced cars but also tractors, rototillers, and large open-aired trucks that transported fruits and vegetables to market when Rocky River’s landscape was dotted with greenhouses and farms. Over the years the shop worked on vehicles from familiar names such as Hoag, Pease, Christensen and Horton. In 1988, Franks son Eugene Drellishak. bought the old General Tire which became an eight bay shop at 21512 Center Ridge Road. Another Drellishak brother opened a shop at W. 227th and Lorain located in Fairview Park. Drellishaks’s today is still a family owned business and is currently being run by the third and fourth generation. Stop by and see why this Rocky River auto institution still prides itself on providing outstanding automotive service ...more

Reparación de automóviles, Mantenimiento de automóviles, Venta y reparación de neumáticos
(440) 333-9933

Horario del Negocio

8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
* Eastern Time (Us & Canada)
21512 Center Ridge Rd Rocky River, OH 44116
Reseñas de Drellishak's Service's
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
(301 Reseñas)

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Jenni R.
Westlake, OH
Esta reseña está actualmente pendiente de verificación por parte del negocio.
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Wonderful service, honest and trustworthy.

Thomas L.
Rocky River, OH
Esta reseña está actualmente pendiente de verificación por parte del negocio.
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Extensive front suspension work done . Showed the damaged parts
Extensive front suspension work. Damaged parts shown before work done. Expensive but justified staff helpful.

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