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Andy Mohr Hyundai

Puntuación Promedio
Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5
(945 Reseñas)
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Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5Calificación general 4.9/5
Reseña Original
Calificación general 2.3/5Calificación general 2.3/5Calificación general 2.3/5Calificación general 2.3/5Calificación general 2.3/5
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Detalles del Negocio

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Andy Mohr Hyundai is your Bloomington, IN Hyundai Dealer. Call us today to schedule a service appointment, or visit our website. Our Service Center is fully equipped to handle all of your vehicle repair and maintenance needs. Andy Mohr Hyundai is your Bloomington, IN Hyundai Dealer. Call us today to schedule a service appointment, or visit our website. Our Service Center is fully equipped to handle all of your vehicle repair and maintenance needs.

Concesionario Hyundai, Reparación de automóviles, Mantenimiento de automóviles
(812) 336-6865

Horario del Negocio

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
* No Se Proporcionó Zona Horaria
1527 S. Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403
Reseñas de Departamento de servicio's
Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5Calificación general 4.6/5
(945 Reseñas)

joseph g.
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Categoría: Service
Great Service on New Tucson Limited Hybrid
At 700 miles Brake System Warning lights came on, and the brakes felt as though the power assist was off. Despite the fact that the car was purchased at Ray Skillman in INDY, I took it to the nearest Dealer/Service Center which was Andy Mohr in Bloomington. The technician discovered that the brake position sensor was mis calibrated. After recalibrating, the warning was gone, but more importantly the vehicle then routinely made 35-45 mpg whereas before recalibration it was typically getting 25-35 mpg suggesting that the brakes were dragging from the outset. So Kudos to the Service staff at A M Hyundai.

joseph g.
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Categoría: Service
Great Service on New Tucson Limited Hybrid
At 700 miles Brake System Warning lights came on, and the brakes felt as though the power assist was off. Despite the fact that the car was purchased at Ray Skillman in INDY, I took it to the nearest Dealer/Service Center which was Andy Mohr in Bloomington. The technician discovered that the brake position sensor was mis calibrated. After recalibrating, the warning was gone, but more importantly the vehicle then routinely made 35-45 mpg whereas before recalibration it was typically getting 25-35 mpg suggesting that the brakes were dragging from the outset. So Kudos to the Service staff at A M Hyundai.

Matthew V.
Solsberry, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Repair
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
My experience so far had been great
Honestly the people at this dealership have been extremely nice and far priced
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 04/01/2022 02:47 PM

Hello Matthew,

We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customers like you.

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Arlene B.
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Repair
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Good experience
Timely scheduling. Extremely nice service personnel. Short wait time while car was being worked on.
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 02/26/2022 01:18 PM

Hello Arlene,

We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customers like you.

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Brandy N.
Long Beach, CA
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Maintenance
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Great service and even better customer service
From start to finish the customer service was great - highly recommend the business
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 02/11/2022 01:54 PM

Hello Brandy,

We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customers like you.

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Carl J.
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Maintenance
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Appreciate the quick in and quick out
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/26/2022 02:30 PM

Hello Carl,

We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customers like you. 

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Cliente verificado
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Repair
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Excellent Customer Service
Andy Mohr Hyundai has excellent customer service!
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/26/2022 02:27 PM


We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customers like you. 

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Je L.
Mitchell, IN
Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5Calificación general 4.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Repair
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Nothing to complain
Everything was more than expected. With one word, (I am) satisfied. I had to bring my toddler boy. I think it would be much nicer if there were Hyundai toy cars in the kid's area so that the little boys can play with.
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/18/2022 01:32 PM

Je Lee,

We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team. 

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to proved to valued customers like you.

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Cody L.
Nashville, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Repair
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Car review
Was good service as always
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/18/2022 01:29 PM


We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team. 

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to proved to valued customers like you.

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Cliente verificado
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Maintenance
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Very nice
Good experience
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/14/2022 07:48 AM


We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding you recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customer like you.

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Cliente verificado
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Repair
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/14/2022 07:40 AM


We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding you recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customer like you.

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Cliente verificado
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Repair
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Great Folks!
Always enjoy working with the folks at Andy Mohr Hyundai! Down to earth and they really care about your needs! Thank you
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/14/2022 07:34 AM


We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding you recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customer like you.

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Sharon T.
Bloomington, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Maintenance
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Great service
Quick and efficient service. Like that they discuss cost of repairs before starting work on vehicle.
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/07/2022 09:30 AM


We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team. 

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customers like you. 

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future.


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Cyndi R.
Springville, IN
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Maintenance
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Exceptional service
I made my service appointment online and got my Tuscan in on time. Rather than wait in the service waiting room, we walked to 3rd street for breakfast. It was a cold day but dry. We called for a ride back and Ethan Finch came and got us. Such a respectable young man and courteous. He’s a keeper. See u at the next scheduled maintenance. It’s always a joy to see Brandon.
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 01/07/2022 09:28 AM


We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team. 

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customers like you. 

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future.


Larry Askren
Service Manager

Cliente verificado
Bloomington, IN
ReScore Reseña™
Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5Calificación general 5.0/5
cliente verificadoCliente Verificado
Categoría: Service
Great Response from Service Dept.
The response I received after a bad service experience was amazing. The people I interacted with were very helpful and wanted to make the situation right. Very pleased with the response.

Reseña Original
Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5Calificación general 1.0/5
Tipo de Servicio: Maintenance
Categoría: Service
Simple tire rotation botched
I came to get an oil change and tire rotation. Driving off after the service I noticed some strange sound. When I came up with a way to check on my tires while driving I saw a rear tire was completely wobbly. Drove back but the service department was closed. Checked the wheel and all but one nut holding it was loose. Checked my other wheels and found another nut was loose as well. Had to jack up my car by myself right in front of the service bay and not a single person in the store came out to ask if I needed anything as they saw me working. Had to ask someone for some help. I'm glad I didn't have to drive far to figure out the issue, things could have ended very differently.
LARRY A., SERVICE MANAGER de Andy Mohr Hyundai respondió el 12/23/2021 02:02 PM

We sincerely thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your recent experience with the Andy Mohr Hyundai Service Team.

Your feedback is extremely important to us and helps us to continuously improve the experience we strive to provide to valued customers like you. 

I have reviewed your feedback and want to express an apology to you from the Service Department for the concern and for the Sales Department for not assisting upon your return. The Service Technician that provided maintenance on your vehicle has a check list that is followed. The last step after lowering down the vehicle off the lift is to check the torque of each lug nut. On new employees such as this technician we have an orange cone behind the vehicle as a reminder to check each wheel before release. You are correct this could have been worse if you did not stop to check the status. You have made a strong complaint that we take very seriously The future of this technician with this Dealership is in question and will be determined upon review. 

We thank you again and look forward to our continued partnership in the future. 


Larry Askren
Service Manager
Net Promoter® NPS®, NPS Prism®, y los emoticonos relacionados con NPS son marcas registradas de Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., y Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score™ y Net Promoter System™ son marcas de servicio de Bain & Company, Inc., y Fred Reichheld.