For those in the know
I understand that the Venue is a big seller in India. Understandable, for them it can serve as an actual 5 seater. Smart folk. In the US we are too stupid to make Venues more popular. Sure the trunk is smalln four American males will find things tight for a long trip. And if we want economy, we go for an electric or plug in. Besides, doesn't everyone need 4 wheel drive, and trailer towing ability.
So those few of us who can be more focused when we get our second car have the best choice: the Venue. Fully modern, incredibly easy to park, meaninfully ecological because of its real world economy, and cheap enough to keep you from financial anxiety, it's the best car you will probably never buy. So go ahead and get your Corolla, if you're secure, or your Audi if you want to make a splash. The first will tell everyone you are sober and reliable; the second that you've achieved. Only the few will appreciate your thoughtfulness, mixed with a bit of fun. Fine with us.